Sometimes people want to try to get labor moving with more natural labor induction techniques before they get to the point of being faced with a medical induction. Due dates are given more weight with some providers than with others. In an attempt to avoid Pitocin,...
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Birth Stories: A Redemptive Vaginal Birth After 2 Cesareans (VBA2C)
In this episode of Birth, Baby! Podcast, hosts Ciarra Morgan and Samantha Kelly welcome their past doula client, Danielle Sanchez, to share her unique journey of having a Vaginal Birth After 2 Cesareans (VBA2C). Danielle discusses the challenges she faced, including...
Postpartum Birth Control: Navigating Your Options After Baby
In this episode of Birth, Baby! Podcast, hosts Ciarra Morgan and Samantha Kelly discuss postpartum birth control options with certified midwife Anne Leclercq. They explore various methods including hormonal, barrier, and natural family planning, emphasizing the...
The Childhood Vaccine Debate: An Evidence Based Conversation – Part 2
This is Part 2 in a 2-part seriesIn this episode of Birth, Baby! Podcast, hosts Ciarra Morgan and Samantha Kelly engage with Dr. Newman to discuss the critical aspects of vaccine safety, the approval process, and the importance of herd immunity. They address common...
The Childhood Vaccine Debate: An Evidence Based Conversation – Part 1
This is Part 1 in a 2-part seriesIn this episode of Birth, Baby! Podcast, hosts Ciarra Morgan and Samantha Kelly engage with Dr. Ross Newman, a pediatrician, to discuss the important and often controversial topic of vaccinations for children. The conversation covers...
Birth Stories: Becoming a Single Mom by Choice
In this episode of Birth, Baby! Podcast, hosts Ciarra Morgan and Samantha Kelly engage in a heartfelt conversation with Sarah, a single mom by choice, who shares her inspiring journey into motherhood through fostering and adoption, and ultimately conceiving a child on...
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