You Are Signed Up To The Free Workshop | April 24th 11am CT

When DIYing your health doesn’t work: 5 common mistakes women make (and how to avoid them)

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Worksheet Below.

I often wish I could tell my 16-year-old self that she didn’t need to starve on Weight Watchers to lose weight. My body was already beautiful, but that was just the beginning of many attempts to change it with a one-size-fits-all approach that never worked for me.

What it did give me was an unhealthy relationship with food and years of trying fad health trends, only to end up frustrated and ashamed of my inability to follow through.

Now that I’m older (and hopefully wiser), I know that a one-size-fits-all approach to ANYTHING—weight loss, hormone balance, gut health, burnout recovery, etc.—is not the way to get lasting results.

I believe everyone can reach their goals with the right tools—and data—in hand. Add in a little self-compassion and a growth mindset, and you’ve got yourself a winning DIY plan for great health outcomes.

In this workshop, I’ll show you how to cut through all the noise and find solutions that work for you.



How to recognize and avoid common obstacles that can derail your health goals.


How to tailor health strategies to fit your unique needs for lasting habits.


Practical tips you can implement immediately to jumpstart your health journey.